
What I'm Reading...

So, to take a little break from the usual soap talk, I'm going to let you all know what I'm reading right now!

So, I'm one of those types of readers who prefers a book that doesn't require constant re-reading to get through. I like my stories fun, quick and dramatic. I like excitment and mystery and all that fun stuff.

Since overly-descriptive, flowery prose tend to get on my nerves I find myself looking at young adult series. They give me the drama I want, but they move at a pace where I'm not stuck reading some thousand page tome for three weeks. (Nothing wrong with that, just not my style).

Let me put it this way, I'm more likely to re-read Valley of the Dolls than pick up Pride and Prejudice.

So, currently I am reading two series.

The first is the House of Night Series by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast, a mother and daughter team. I just completed the first book in the series, Marked and so far, am impressed. The writing is quick and easy to read. The characters, while not all that deep, are entertaining enough to make me care what happens to them. The story does feel a bit rushed, but once the main plot kicks in it keeps you wanting to find out what's going to happen next. That's all I really need with a book like this.

The main plot is that a young girl, Zoey Redbird, is "marked" to become a vampire. The thing is, vampires are common place in society in the world of the book. To be marked means that the outline of a crescent moon tattoo appears on your forehead, and as you begin to change into a vampire the tattoo fills in, and other tattoos appear on your body. All vampire fledlings are taken to the House of Night, a vampire boarding school, where they are trained and protected. The problem is, not everyone survives the change. Some say those who don't survive just die, but there is evidence that points to them becoming something monsterous and evil.

The quick and dirty of it is this. Imagine if True Blood and Harry Potter had a bastard child that liked to drop f-bombs every once in a while and talk about sex.

So far there are four books available in the series. The first is marked, followed by Betrayed, Chosen and Hunted.

The other book is one I haven't completed just yet, but I am really loving. Blue Bloods, the first in the Blue Blood series, is a smartly written, sexy, fun little book. While there are vampires in the stories, that isn't the focus. No, the focus is on the budding relationships between the characters, the sexual tension and the glitz and glamour of living the high life in New York. There is also a murder mystery, and ties to the original settlers on the Mayflower.

I'm loving this series. It is well written (unlike, say, Gossip Girl), and it shows that the author did her research.

So, I majorly recommend the House of Night and Blue Blood series. Don't let the YA label fool you. Both series are jam packed with soap twists and turns, hot romance, and fun plots.

If you want something more mature then pick up Jane Austin or D.H. Lawerence. I won't judge.

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