
Oh Lordy, General Hospital...

So, I was reading Soap Opera Digest (it's a guilty pleasure... I have a lot of those) and I took a look at the ratings, and wouldn't you know it, General Hospital was barely .1 above the now canceled Guiding Light. How does a show like GH, which has held the number three spot for so long, fall that fast?

Well, my friend and I were talking, and it's the fact that the show is just not interesting or fun to watch anymore. If the show stinks, then the ratings will reflect that. Plots are dull and to mob focused, and relationships die out way to fast. How quickly did Lucky and Sam disolve, or Jason and Elizabeth? The characters have these long, tortured set ups to the relationship, and then the second they get together things fall apart.

The show is all plot, and no character. Characters just do things randomly to set another plot in to motion. There is nothing to hold on to.

So, how do you save GH? I have no clue. That show is really hurting. They could start by getting a new headwriter in there, and bringing back some classic characters for more than just a two week stint! Then fix Robin, nix the mob, and get the stories where they should be, in the hospital! All My Children spends more time in the hospital than the show named General Hospital. There is something wrong with that!

While all the soaps are hurting in the ratings, General Hospital has taken the biggest drop. ABC should see that as a sign that the people in charge over at the show are doing something wrong, something very wrong, and the audience just won't can't take it anymore. Fix it or dump it and bring something new on, but do something, because General Hospital, as it is now, is a waste of an hour, and a whole ton of talent.

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