
Fashion Victims Ep. 1.32

Layla had decided that it was best to stay late to catch up on things. Kurt had gotten some stuff done during his short stay, but it wasn't enough. They were backed up so far she would be staying up all night for the next two weeks just to make a small dent.

She ran her hands through her now short blonde hair. She had gotten it cut during her lunch break. If she was going to be the boss, she had to look like a boss, and the long teenage locks had to go.

The office door slammed open, and a drunken Annabelle stumbled in.

"Am I really that stupid?" Her words were hard to understand through the slurring and the accent. "You see it in me, don't you? That dumb little country girl."

"What's wrong?" Layla sighed, putting down the latest schedule.

"I actually thought I had a chance with Derrick." She leaned against the wall, trying to hold herself up. "I am that stupid."

Layla stood, walking over to Annabelle. She gently placed her hand on the drunk girl's shoulder. The smell of booze nearly knocked her across the room. Apparently Annabelle could throw them down like the best of them.

"Derrick seems to be a right of passage around here." Layla added a reassuring laugh to the end of her sentence. An attempt to put Layla at ease.

"Did you fall for it?" She looked Layla dead in the eyes, tears running down her face, leaving little black trails.

"Derrick isn't my type." She found herself pushing Annabelle's slicked black bangs from her forehead. "Not even close."

Annabelle just looked at her. It seemed that she was finally starting to get it. She was finally starting to see that Annabelle saw what Layla really wanted.

Annabelle leaned in quickly, kissing Layla. The move took Layla totally by surprise, but she couldn't deny that it was something she had been hoping for. Still, she didn't want to hurt the poor girl, make her confused. She didn't want to be the lesbian version of Derrick.

She pushed Annabelle away, taking a step back.

"Annabelle, you don't have to do that." She looked away as she spoke.

"Why not? I'm in a big city. I've already lost my dignity. Why not experiment?" Annabelle was more forceful this time, putting her hand behind Layla's head, pulling her in to the kiss.

Things quickly began to escalate, and the whole time Layla couldn't help wondering one thing. Was this one more thing that was going to blow up in her face in the morning.

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