
Fashion Victims Ep. 1.31

Layla sat behind Barbi's desk, the scrapes on her cheeks well covered. Across from her sat an older man, early forties probably. He was extremely handsome, with a strong, defined face, piercing brown eyes, and salt and pepper hair. He was the epitomy of class.

"Mr. Levi, I'm glad you decided to show up." Layla cleared her throat. "With the way things have been going around here, I wasn't sure you would agree to this meeting."

He just smiled. He crossed his legs at the knee, gently resting his hands in his lap.

"Miss Starr, Layla, you know as well as I do that I'm not a stranger to controversy." His voice was deep, smooth. "Dollhouse is still the best, and I only work with the best."

Jackson Levi was an odd ticket. He was perfect male model material, but he was a PR nightmare. His past was... sordid to say the least. He had started in adult films, all male casts of course. From there he moved to New York cabaret acts, where he met his first, and only wife. He married into big money. At first the gay community called him a traitor, but he made sure they knew that he was still on their team. The affairs with the chorus boys and up and coming rock stars were enough. Still, his wife never seemed to care.

After his wife had died he had inherited a large sum of money, but he still decided to work, this time choosing a career in mainstream modeling.

Agencies wanted him, but some were afraid to touch him.

Layla wasn't afraid.

"Then we have a deal?" She tried to keep her voice calm. She didn't want to sound like a giddy child. "You'll sign an exclusive contract with Dollhouse?"

"Of course." He stood, extending his hand to her. "Send the contract to my lawyer."

She took his hand, making sure to use a firm grip. She didn't want to seem weak. She was knew at this, yes, but she had to prove that she had the strength to run this company right. She had to prove herself. Signing Jackson Levi was the first step in doing that.

"May I ask you a personal question Mr. Levi?" She stood, smoothing her skirt.

"Jackson, please." He slid his hands into the pockets of his navy blue suit pants. "And yes, you may."

"How did you make it work with your wife?" She gave him a coy smile.

"We had an agreement." He gave a small chuckle, looking away, then back at her. "We could both see other men."

"I see." She nodded.

She was pretty sure that Barbi would be less understanding when she found out about Kurt and Gio.

"If that's all..." He began to turn.

"I just need you to do some test shots with our photographer. We do all modeling compositions in house. We only want the best." She picked up Derrick's card from her desk. "I'm looking forward to doing business with you Jackson."

"Likewise Layla." He gave her one final smile, and then turned, heading out of her office.

Layla sat back down at her desk.

He was a risk, a big one, but he was one she was sure would pay off. Yes, he was older, but he was good looking. Yes, he had a very colorful past, but sex sells, and God knows he was sexy.

She sighed, praying and hoping that this didn't blow up in her face.

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