
Fashion Victims Ep. 1.40

Jade walked through the crowd at Blacklight, her eyes focused on one target. Annabelle.

The girl look positively destroyed. Her hair was a frizzy mess, her face was devoid of make-up. It pissed Jade off that even in this state of despair the girl looked amazing.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Jade leaned against the bar. She wished she could pull a cigarette out, light up, and pull on the full Bette Davis bitch mode, but the state of Illinois made that impossible. Damn healthy air laws.

"You..." Annabelle's eyes locked on her. Even in the drunken haze they seemed to focus with total hate.

"What? You should be happy." Jade laughed. "You're a celebrity! Sex tapes make careers."

Annabelle didn't speak.

"That security footage made you look absolutely stunning." Jade smirked, then motioned for the bartender. "Martini, dirty and dry."

"You're all smiles now, bitch." Annabelle got in close, so that only Jade could hear her. "You don't screw with a country girl."

"What are you going to do?" Jade took a sip of the martini just placed in front of her. "Sick a cow on me?"

Annabelle knocked the drink out of Jade's hand. The glass smashed on the floor, but the sound of the shattering glass was snuffed out by the sound of the music.

"I'll just get another one." Jade brushed a few drops of the martini off her sleek black dress.

Annabelle raised her arm, ready to strike, when a hand wrapped around her wrist.

"Not here. Not now." Layla spoke softly, carefuly. Her voice was a mixture of a warning and comfort.

"You're going to let your girlfriend fight for you?" Jade laughed, throwing her head back, cackling.

"I'm going to keep her from making a mistake." Layla stepped between the two women. "You'll get yours Jade. You can count on it."

"Was that a threat?" Jade stood up, getting in Layla's face. "Maybe I should give Rick a call."

"More like a warning." Layla smiled, then turned, taking Annabelle out of the club.

Jade watched them leave, a sense of accomplisment sweeping over her. Her plan was starting to work. Pretty soon Layla would be out of the picture, and Dollhouse would be up for the taking.

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