
Fashion Victims Ep. 1.45

Rick sat in his office, the results from Barbi's blood tests in front of him.

"So?" Barbi leaned forward. "Was I drugged?"

"Well, they can't say for sure, but there are traces of something. It's to small to really pin-point it, but obviously you were given something." Rick handed Barbi the paper.

He was shocked that they sat there, talking so comfortably. The last time they had done this was the day after Eve was murdered. Those moments were so few and far between, but Rick had to admit that he was starting to enjoy it.

"So I didn't do anything." She sighed, closing her eyes and sitting back. "Do you know how good it is to hear that?"

"I can guess." He laughed.

The moment of levity didn't last long though. There was still a murderer out there, and no one was safe. So Barbi wasn't the killer, but that ment someone else was, and that ment the police had to start from square one. So while it was good news for Barbi, it was bad news for everyone else.

An officer entered the office and dropped a file onto Rick's death. When Rick picked it up he realized just how bad it was.

"What is it?" Barbi watched the officer leave, obviously not use to being out of the information loop.

Rick flipped open the file, and the first thing he saw was a young black woman, her body leaning against the wall of a toilet stall, her head split open, a bloody axe lying by her leg.

It was Jade.

He didn't have a chance to protest. Barbi grabbed the file out of his hands. He watched as her face turned pitch white, and she collapsed back into her chair.

"I didn't do this." Her voice was hoarse, weak. She was terrified. "You know I didn't do this."

"I know." He rubbed his eyes. He could feel the headache coming on. "But someone wants you to think you did. Who could have drugged you Barbi? Gio?"

"No, he wasn't there the first time." She closed the file, pushing it away from her as if it was coated in the black plague.

"Then who?" He leaned forward. He needed something, some kind of lead.

"Layla... Kurt... Derrick has a key." She sighed. "This is far from over, isn't it."

"Oh yeah." Even though he knew it was against the rules, Rick pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit up. The fine was worth it.

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