
Two Things...

First off, I am in a great mood today for one reason. Dean Koontz finally released the third Frankenstein book! I waited four years for the release, and finally I was able to sit down and read it last night, and I have to say, it was worth the wait. If you guys are looking for some quick, exciting reading then pick up the Dean Koontz's Frankenstein series.

Second, and this one makes me less happy. Spirit Lake just doesn't seem to be taking off. I don't know the reason, but I'm guessing the story just isn't catching ya'll like Fashion Victims did. So, here is what I'm thinking. Fashion Victims RAW isn't to a point where I'm happy with it yet, but I really don't want to keep waisting my time on a series that is failing. So, I have two more weeks of Spirit Lake prepaired. If I don't see an upswing in readers then I'll stop posting Spirit Lake and take a short hiatus and get Fashion Victims ready for publication.

I hate doing this, because Spirit Lake is a series that is kind of close to my heart, but I also don't feel like devoting time to something that no one is reading. So I'm giving Spirit Lake two weeks to pick up, and if it doesn't then it's cancelled. I'm going to need more than numbers though. If you want Spirit Lake to stick around, email me at rstringini@gmail.com . Let me know why I should keep the series going. Otherwise I'll end it early (really early) and fast track RAW and Season 2 of Fashion Victims.

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