
Spirit Lake Ep. 1.12

Carla didn’t know why she couldn’t stay in Paul’s room. It could have been that just watching him lie there, motionless, all cut up and bruised was just to much for her. She hated the man, and she wanted nothing to do with him, but at the same time, she didn’t want this. She didn’t want to see him half dead.

At least he was breathing on his own. That was a relief.

Dr. Walker had been in a few times, and had said Paul would be okay, and Carla believed him.

Still, she just couldn’t sit still.

As the hours passed she found herself wandering back into the waiting room, watching Roy, all red eyed, silently beg her for some update with a single glance. She had been making the rounds from Paul’s room to the waiting room so many times it felt like she was doing laps.

Finally, around six in the morning, she just stopped.

She sat next to Roy, taking his trembling hand in hers.

"You should be in there with him." She sighed, rubbing her tired eyes. "I don’t know why you do, but you give a damn if he lives or dies. So, you go sit with him."

"They won’t let me." His voice was a raspy mess. How long had he sat there crying?

"Like hell they won’t." She gave him a gentle tug and led him towards the doors leading to the patients rooms.

Dr. Walker stopped them just short of entering Paul’s room.

"You know I can’t let him in there." His voice was flat.

Carla turned, doing her best to look him in the eye. She ran her hands through her short red hair, and cleared her throat. "Dr. Walker, you gave this boy pure hell with Chester, and I swear to God if you try it now I will hurt you."

She kept her gaze, not blinking.

"It’s hospital policy. Family only." He didn’t back down.

Roy tried to speak, but Carla just held up her hand, silencing him.

"I may be family, but he’s the only one who gives a damn if Paul pulls through this. So, Dr. Walker, you are going to let him in there." Her voice was shaking from exhaustion.

Dr. Walker looked at Roy, and she could see him thinking, the way his eyes moved back and forth, from the room, to Roy, down the hall to check who was watching.

"Fine." He sighed. "Roy, if anyone asks, just tell them Paul woke up and asked for you. Okay?"

Roy nodded and headed into the room.

Carla stood there, not letting Dr. Walker out of her view.

"You had to bring up Chester." He turned, heading back towards the nurses station.

Carla followed him.

"You know Roy should have been there with him."

"The family didn’t want him there. We had to obey their wishes." He didn’t look at her as he spoke.

"Forget the family. They hadn’t spoken to Chester in years. Hell, they just wanted his bar, and thank God Chester had all his i’s dotted and his t’s crossed on that will of his, or they would have gotten it." She grabbed Dr. Wilson’s arm. "William, I know you are trying to play it by the book, but you have to learn to let some things slide."

Doctor William Walker stopped, turning to Carla. He looked just as tired as she felt. He smiled.

"What would that boy do without you?" He placed his hand on his shoulders. "I saw Julie out there. When did she get back?"

"Two days ago." She glanced down the hall towards the doors leading into the waiting room. "She showed up, and suddenly all hell breaks loose. I bet she’s wishing she never even stepped foot back in Spirit Lake."

"Are you glad she’s back?" He gave her shoulder a light squeeze.

"I’m not sure yet." She stepped back, out of his grip, looking at her feet. "I need some coffee."

"You need some sleep."

"I’ll get that soon enough. I’ll talk to you later William." She turned, walking down the hallway, and into the waiting room.

Julie was asleep, curled up in one of the chairs. Carla sat down next to her, looking at her old friend, still wondering if she was ready to forgive her for leaving.

Soon sleep took over, and Carla found herself curled up next to Julie, her head resting on her friend’s shoulder.

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