
Fashion Victims Ep. 1.59

Gio sat in the kitchen, a mug of cooling tea resting in front of him. He glanced out the window at the night sky that seemed to glow under the light of the moon. He was equal parts numb and distraught. He had caught wind of what Mitchell Cross had gotten ahold of, and he had to still find a way to break it to Mia before the press went wild.

Barbi entered the kitchen, not even noticing that Gio was there. She was off in her own little world. Gio knew the feeling well.

"Have you talked to Layla recently?" Gio spoke up.

Barbi looked at him, a little shocked that she wasn't alone.

"No. She doesn't talk to me much these days." Barbi opened the cabinate next to the sink and pulled out a mug.

"You should consider yourself lucky." Gio sipped his coffee. "You should have seen her at the last shoot. She was like a completely different person."

Barbi began filling the tea pot with hot water, never taking her eyes off of Gio. "How so?"

"She was just nasty. The things she said to Derrick, to Jackson... Honey, she's lost her damn mind to power."

"Did you just call me honey?" Barbi put the kettle on the stove and sat across from him, a small smile on her face.

"I guess I did." He laughed. "They slip out every once in a while. Just as Kurt. I can be a real queen sometimes."

"So, my little sister has turned into a power hungry mega-bitch. I never knew she had it in her." Barbi leaned back, stretching.

"It's more than that. There is something wrong with her." Gio got really quiet. He didn't know if this was the best time to bring up the fact that he was starting to think that Layla was more than just being bossy. He was starting to think she was dangerous.

"I'll talk to her." Barbi's eyes met Gio's. She got his point. "Speaking of sisters... how's Mia?"

"Still in the dark." Gio took another sip. "She has no idea that in a few days her world is going to come crashing down around her."

"I'm so sorry. If I had any idea..."

Gio held up his hand, cutting her off.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. The thing about secrets is that eventually they always come out." He looked down at the table. He wanted to scream at Barbi, to let her have it for being so careless when it came to his sister's past. He wanted to throw his mug across the room. He didn't. It wouldn't help.

Instead they both just sat there in silence for a few moments. Then the sound of the tea kettle seemed to restart both of them.

Gio stood, emptying the contents of his mug into the sink.

"Well, I need to take a shower. Kurt and I are going to Blacklight tonight." He placed the mug in the sink, and turned to Barbi. "You should come."

"I need a little peace and quiet. Thank you, though." Barbi smiled.

Gio nodded and left the kitchen.

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