
Fashion Victims Ep. 1.49

Mitchell slipped out of Barbi's room around four in the morning. He had a mission, and unlike his sister, he wasn't going to be so obvious. Jade had been sloppy, and it got her killed. Mitchell wasn't going to make that mistake.

He stepped slowly, quietly down the hall towards the office in the east wing of the mansion. He knew that Barbi kept the good stuff in her house. The office was to public, but her home office was her sanctuary.

Once inside he gently closed the door, making sure no one was watching him. He skipped the computer. There was probably an access code, and he knew he didn't have the time to figure it out. Instead he headed over to the row of file cabinates. Nothing said blackmail like a good old paperwork.

He randomly started opening drawers, but his eyes fell on one file. Mia Ramirez. He had seen her ads, her runway work. She was amazing. Emphasis on the was. Lately she had fallen off the face of the earth, and no one knew why. Well, Mitchell was pretty sure he was about to find out.

He grabbed the file, flipping it open.

"I've hit the motherload." He smiled, picking up a picture of a young man. He was slim, with long black hair, and delicate features.

He knew right then and there who that young man was. On the back of the picture it said Marcus Rodrigez, but he knew that young man had a knew name now. He had a new name, a new body, and a new life.

"Mia, how you have changed." He was about to slip the picture into the pocket when his eyes fell on the medical form.

His heart sank. This wasn't good. Obviously it was damaging news, but he knew this wasn't the type of thing he wanted to release.

"What are you doing here?"

Mitchell turned, closing the file, slipping the picture into the back of his pants.

He nearly pissed himself at the man standing in the doorway holding a gun at him.

"Umm..." He couldn't speak.

Was he going to end up like his sister already?

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