
Fashion Victims Ep. 1.55

Derrick checked the light then adjusted the reflectors. He needed this shoot to be perfect. Layla was breathing down his neck. This time it was literal. She was hovering around his back, so close he could feel the heat of her breath on his neck.

"Speed it up." Layla's voice was a harsh bark. "I want these down now, and I want these good."

Jackson hung back at the couches where the models usually threw there stuff. He didn't speak, but observed.

"Perfection takes time Layla dear." He turned and looked at her, trying to keep his cool. "If you keep yelling at me, it'll take even more time."

"Don't give me attitude Derrick." She crossed her arms, her body rigid. She looked like she was ready to rip his throat out with her teeth.

"I'm not giving you attitude, I'm being honest. If you keep hovering you'll make me tense, and if you make me tense it shows up in the pictures. Got it?" He put down his light meter, and checked his watch.

As if on que Gio rushed into the studio, breathing heavy. Obviously his mind had been elsewhere, what with Kurt getting home from the hospital and all. Derrick understood, but he doubt Layla would.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Derrick." He tossed his bags over at the waiting area, then ripped off his shirt. "Give me two minutes."

"Why are you apologizing to Derrick? I'm the one you're holding up. Get your act together, or I swear to God you'll be doing dime store catalogues for the rest of your life." Layla stormed towards Gio, finger pointed.

Gio just gave Derrick a glance, and all he could do in return was shrug. Layla had never liked him, but she had been so kind to everyone else. He couldn't understand what was coming over her. The sense of power after getting control of Dollhouse from Barbi? It seemed like there was something else though, something darker under the surface.

Jackson stood up, stretching. He put his arm over Gio's shoulder.

"Listen, he looks ready. God knows I'm ready, so lets get this done before she kills someone." Jackson yawned, trying to seem relaxed, but the look he was giving Layla was one of pure hatred.

"What did you say?" She was in Jackson's face. "If I didn't need your face all nice and pretty I'd smack you silly right now. Don't you dare joke about that, you got it?"

Derrick couldn't stop his jaw from hanging open. She was out of control. Seriously nuts. The Layla he had known for all those years had been replaced by some mega bitch with a power trip, and now everyone else had to pay the price.

"Come on guys." He motioned his head towards the white backdrop he had set up.

The models brushed past Layla and took their places.

The rest of the shoot was completely silent, other than the occasional direction from Derrick, which was quickly over ridden by Layla. The guys tended to ignore her though, but it was obvious in their pictures that they wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

"Alright, you two get home." He put down his camera, and stood, cracking his back. "Layla, can I talk to you for a minute?"

She just glared at him, but nodded. He waited until Gio and Jackson were out of the studio, then he turned on her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He couldn't help the volume of his voice. He was pissed, and it was showing. "Barbi never did anything like that. She hired me because she trusted me. You want to pull that bull, then pull it with a different photographer."

"Barbi isn't here right now, is she. I am, so we're doing things my way." She picked up his camera, clicking through images. "Maybe I should replace you Derrick. You're getting sloppy." She turned her gaze back to him.

The look she gave him sent a chill down his spine. Something was off. Something evil was inside that girl, and he could sense it. It was almost as if the room had dropped thirty degrees. He was half expecting to see his own breath.

"I'll have the proofs to you tomorrow." He grabbed his camera, packing it away. He wanted to get away from her as quickly as possible.

"I can't wait." She smirked, then turned, the click of her heels on the floor was the last thing he heard before she slammed the door to the studio shut.

He couldn't help but feel afraid. He never saw Layla as a threat before, but now... now she was different.

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