
Spirit Lake Ep. 1.50

Julie watched as Moira paced in front of them, her eyes moving from captive to captive. She stopped at Julie, smiling. She reached down, gently gliding her fingers across Julie's jaw.
"You know, this really is all your fault." She tapped Julie on the nose. "If you all had left well enough alone you would have been spared... for a short while at least."
Moira resumed pacing, and Julie suddenly felt sick to her stomach. She knew this couldn't have been avoided. Moira and her followers would have attacked at some point. Hell, the whole town had no idea what she had planned. This night was just one small battle in Moira's grande scheme. Still, she couldn't supress the guilt. If she had just left then everyone would have been safe. They wouldn't be stuck here, in this hell house, surrounded by blood thirsty cult members and their ancient, nudist leader.
"My mother..." Julie spit the words through swollen lips. The man who had hit her had done a number on her face.
"A sacrifice." Moira looked away, admiring her surroundings. "Not so willing though. She fought me to the bitter end. A quick end though. You take after her."
Julie fought back the tears. Her worst fear was just made a reality. Her mother was dead.
Moira turned, clasping her hands together, a wide smile on her face. She looked like some perverse version of a grade school teacher.
"We're all going to go on a little trip."
She sounded like one to.
"We're not going anywhere you crazy bitch." Carla struggled, tried to stand, but one of Moira's followers pushed her back down to her knees.
"Such language." Moira stepped towards Carla, looking down at her, her face changing, becoming darker. The smile vanished, and then, without warning she back handed Carla, sending the woman sprawling on the hard marble floor.
"Don't touch her!" William screamed, tried to get to Carla, but it was no use. He was held back.
"Don't question me boy." Moira's head snapped towards him. "We share blood. Show some respect."
Julie reached out, her left hand touching William's. She knew that if he began to freak out, things would only get worse. She looked to her right, towards Paul and Roy, and they nodded in agreement. It was in everyone's best interest to play along.
Julie watched as Moira advanced on Carla, but the woman stopped short, looking back at one of her followers. She nodded, and the follower approached, handing Moira something. Something shiny. Something that seemed to catch the moonlight, and glow in Moira's hand. Something sharp.
"Such a waste, but I can't have you drawing attention to us, now can I?" Moira raised the knife. "I mean, with a mouth as big as yours you'd wake the whole town."
Julie could see the terror in Carla's eyes.
"No!" William screamed, tried to break free again, but it was to late.
Moira brought the knife down, burying it in Carla's chest. A crimson river began to seep down Carla's torso.
Julie held back her scream. She had a feeling that if she expressed any kind of grief it would only make things worse.
Moira yanked the knife out, a spray of blood splashing out onto the marble floor. Carla fell back, still breathing, but her skin was slowly getting whiter.
"Leave her." Moira turned towards her circling minions. "We have the others."
Moira's followers nodded, then Julie felt herself being pulled to her feet.
"To my kingdom." Moira licked the knife in her hand, then closed her eyes. She seemed to vibrate with the pleasurable taste she had just experienced.
Julie felt like she was going to vomit.
The front door was thrown open, and Julie and her surviving friends were ushered out into the dark night.

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