
Spirit Lake Ep. 1.28

William stepped into the library, the sudden blast of air conditioning making his body shutter. It was a vast difference from the climate of the library last night. It was almost like they had stepped into the rainforest when they had checked the place out, but today it was like entering the arctic.

Carla sat behind the desk, a stack of books next to her, and a bar code scanner in her right hand. She looked so wrapped up in what she was doing, her face completely blank, her eyes moving from one book to the next.

Still, in her stillness William was shocked by how beautiful she was. Her round, freckled face and her green eyes gave her a kind of youthful quality, but the lines around her eyes and mouth hinted at her strength. He had to hold back to the urge to rush up to her, taking her petite body in his arms and kiss her, to tell her that everything would be alright, and that he would protect her.

That would probably end up making her angry. Carla Russo did not strike William as the type of woman who liked being protected. He was pretty sure she didn’t need it any ways.

Carla looked up from her books and smiled.

"What brings you here?" She put down the scanner, and brushed her short red hair behind her ears.

"Just wanted to check in. Harvey show his face today?" William walked up to the counter, placing both hands on the cold linoleum surface, and leaned forward, taking the weight off of his feet.

"Not yet. I’m still waiting, but I think he’s going to avoid me for a while. I mean, after what we saw last night? He’s either embarrassed, or planning something." She sighed, leaning back in her chair and stretching. "I’m betting on the planning part."

"You really think he’s part of all of this?" William tried to keep his eyes on Carla’s face, and not on her bare stomach that was being revealed by her yellow tank top riding up as she stretched.

"Almost positive." She twisted, cracking her back. "I swear, next time could they just kill me? I feel like one giant bruise from that fall."

"Don’t say that." William stood up straight. "I don’t want you getting hurt again."

"How do you plan on keeping me safe doctor?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Leave town for a little while. Take a vacation." He knew he was going to get a royal tongue lashing for speaking his mind, but he couldn’t help it.

"William, I will never back down from a fight. Those bastards attacked me first, and I swear I am going to get them back." She stood, looking him in the eyes. "No one hurts me and gets away with it."

She turned walking towards her office.

"Please, if Harvey shows up call me." William had to speak up so he could be heard over the air conditioner. "Just in case."

Carla peaked her head out of the doorway.

"I’ll give you that one, but I won’t leave town." She smiled. "So, we holding off on the date until after this whole mess blows over?"

He had actually forgotten about asking her out. He smiled. The fact that she had remembered meant that maybe, just maybe he had a shot with her.

"I don’t know if I can wait that long." He thought for a minute. "How about I bring you dinner here tonight. It won’t be the most romantic setting, but at least it’ll be something."

"Sounds nice." She tapped the door frame, signalling that she had to get back to work. "Then I’ll see you here around seven?"

"Seven it is."

She slipped back into her office, and William turned, his mind clear for a few seconds. He actually had something to look forward to. Something to take his mind off of all the hell that seemed to be breaking out around him.

He pushed open the door, and into the warmth of the sun, a little smile on his face.

Now if only everything went smoothly until seven, and it might actually turn out to be a decent day.

He wasn’t counting on it.

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