
Suburbia 1.11 and 1.12

Chapter 11: Peter's Hangover
Peter sat up in bed, his eyes barely glancing over the pictures on the walls, or the books stacked on his nightstand. No, his only goal was the bathroom.

He had come home drunk the night before. Ina hadn't noticed. She never did, and he was grateful for her total lack of interest in his life.

Then she might have figured out something was up.

Peter stumbled out of bed, and towards the bathroom, giving his backside a healthy scratch as he did.

As he stumbled towards the toilet and flipped the seat up his mind began to replay the memories from the night before.

Memories a part of him (a big part) didn't want to forget.

Chapter 12: Peter's Wild Night
As Peter relieved himself he leaned forward, resting his head on the cool tile wall of the bathroom. His skull felt like it was going to split open, but it was worth it.

Harvey had asked him out for drinks after work. Nothing new there. Same bar, same order, same everything.

The only thing that was different was Harvey.

It had started with his hand on Peter's knee, followed by a few drunken, half serious comments about them hooking up.

(Harvey had said "As a joke, you know?)

It had ended in the back of Harvey's BMW.

Some joke, thought Peter.

He finished off with a shake and a smirk, then headed to the shower. He suddenly didn't mind going to work today.

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